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Intuitive Energy Reader

MariElle is a natural Sensitive and an Intuitive Energy Reader whose spiritual journey is guided through multimedia expression. She is embraced by an ancestry enriched by Mediums, Mages, Sages, Healers, and artists spanning across continents. Her spiritual journey is facilitated via the guidance of universal benevolence and positive vibrations. She shares her spiritual gifts in the creation of intuitive Aura Portraits with which she channels and provides a reading for those who seek her natural gifts and guidance. MariElle intuitively and refreshingly provides individual and rich experiences into aura representations. Join her as she creates individualized intuitive Aura Portraits that touch your life journey with the guidance of spirit and natural progression of universal vibrations.


Divinely Unified Serving Two Locations

@ Jenny's Place VA 1224 Davis Ave, Chesapeake, VA 23325

@A Sacred Place 3108 Tyre Neck Road, Unit C, Portsmouth, VA 23703

      Jenny Seeley  Spiritual Intuitive Healer, Trance Medium                                  Laurie Seeley, Shamanic Practitioner

                (757) 955-0477  Cell Phone                                                                           (757) 955-0478 Cell Phone

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