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Chief Joseph

Spirt Teacher, Guide and Protector

March 3, 1840- September 21, 1904

 Chief Joseph was the leader of the Wal-lam-wat-kain band of Nez Perce, a Native American tribe of the interior Pacific Northwest region of the United States.  He was the son of Chief Joseph the Elder. Chief Joseph succeeded his father as the leader of the Nez Perce. It was the Native American tribe indigenous people who lived in Wallowa Valley in Northeastern Oregon. 

Read More at History Link.

Chief Joseph was known as a peacemaker and humanitarian.

For Jenny, Chief Joseph was introduced to her in 2019 as her Protector Guide. One of the most special channeled messages was at the end of 

              2019- Teach the World- writing #1
Today is a day for exploration.  A day to discover new beliefs, new techniques and new circumstances that can help you to become more in tuned with your infinite being.  You have the power to change.  You have the power to live a life of love and contentment with your life and your world.  We are all together in this feeling of Peace.  We are all connected in the belief that we want to live a healthy and good life.  In our consciousness we are all connected to this fundamental belief.  Can you imagine a world of Peace- well you are the golden thread that begins the tapestry of this peaceful life.  You are the one that begins to weave the thread of peace in your own soul to then be able to spread it through all cultures by embracing this peace in your soul.  You knowing that you are Good, you are at peace and you are in the power!  God wants you to embrace the power within.  Your God source is asking you to transmute all things into positive adventures that are meant to be for your growth.  Are you ready to explore the infinite possibilities that exist for all of consciousness? You are tied together through your soul to all possibilities.  Start the adventure now and see what is in store for you. One step at a time.
Chief Joseph

November 2019

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Find out HOW I received this message from Chief Joseph

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