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Meet Our Intuitives

Offering Wide Range of Spiritual Gifts to Offer you support and guidence

At Divinely Unified we’re so proud of our opportunities to explore all things Spiritual. We offer services from all types of Intuitives.  Who is an Intuitive- I bet you are!  This is the Best Thing about Divinely Unified- it offers a place where you can explore your gifts in a safe environment with like-minded individuals.  Do you have gifts that maybe you are hiding from plain view.  Then let us help you embrace your intuitive and spiritual gifts and learn how to embrace them.

Who is a Medium? A Person who connects to Loved Ones on the Other Side.

Who is a Psychic? A person that connects with your energy field that has information of past, present and future.

Who is an Intuitive? One that knows the Connection to Source and is comfortable with that connection.

Who is an Empath? One that feels others energy field, this can mean that sometimes you take it on as your own. 

Let us Help You!

Our Mediums, Psychics and Intuitives will help you to discover the real WHO of Who you are with no judgment, in a Safe Place. They offer Healing of your Past Traumas, your belief systems and your self esteem. 

Remember you are Good Stuff!

It's Time to Embrace The Power of You and Your Gifts!

Find Out about Our Intuitives Today!




Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher

Laurie is an intuitive who has a special connection to spirit which really helps her in her Shamanic Work.  As she grows in her Shamanic Practice she offers healings that are unique to each individual and dives deep into challenges  or beliefs that are hidden from plain site. In her healings she is helped by many Spirit Helpers, Healers and Spirit Loved Ones.  She offers many different Shamanic Experiences to include classes to help you find that connection within. 



Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Teacher

Jenny is an Intuitive that shares messages of Healing, Love and Light to help you in your growth. It is her mission to allow you to see Your God Given Gifts and to be able to Say Out Loud- I am an Intuitive. She loves being a "Trance" medium where she steps aside so that spirit can merge with her to deliver their message. All of her messages are of Love, Peace and Healing.


Nikki Spears

Psychic, Medium and Intuitive Healer

Nikki Spears is a practicing psychic, medium and intuitive healer, She has completed many rigorous courses and training in mediumship and healing. She is known for her channeled messages. Her goal is to heal through mediumship and to teach others what she has learned and experienced.
She has studied trance under her mentor Gary Mannion and continues to develop her gifts. She has started teaching a beginner’s class on merging with spirit and will soon be taking appointments for intuitive healing.

Divinely Unified Serving Two Locations

@ Jenny's Place VA 1224 Davis Ave, Chesapeake, VA 23325

@A Sacred Place 3108 Tyre Neck Road, Unit C, Portsmouth, VA 23703

      Jenny Seeley  Spiritual Intuitive Healer, Trance Medium                                  Laurie Seeley, Shamanic Practitioner

                (757) 955-0477  Cell Phone                                                                           (757) 955-0478 Cell Phone

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